Your Daily Encouragement - 9/29/2021 National Women's Health & Fitness Day

"The Health Information Resource Center started National Women's Health & Fitness Day back in 2002. Each year, more than 50,000 women participate in activities connected with this day." - By

My suggestions:

  • Schedule your wellness visit. Especially GYN & breast exams (yearly exams) and blood work.

  • You should take more care of yourself if you have a medical history of surgeries and cardiovascular issues such as hypertension, stroke, heart attack, intestinal problems, gastric issues, sedentarism, etc.

  • If you're sedentary, start walking 30 minutes every day, 7 days a week. Consider getting a cheap foldable treadmill to get your exercise on cold or rainy days. As you progress, increase the movement to 45 and 60 minutes per day.

Have a healthy day, fellow females!

The males can help by supporting the health of the women in their lives by assisting them in finishing an activity (laundry, childcare, or children's homework), so they have more time to exercise and eat healthily. Also, strive to buy healthy food if you, as a male, also choose the food your family consumes.

Let me know if you have any questions by sending a message to


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