Your Daily Encouragement

I received a message from a person who follows my daily encouragement on my website.

They mentioned they don’t need to lose weight; they don’t have health issues. They just like to hear and see the messages.

It’s incredible, in a way, to receive this kind of message. I, innocently, had no idea that people followed my messages on health when they are 100% healthy.

Thanks for seeing my messages and replying. It makes me realize how important encouragement is. Once you receive encouragement, you can share it with others.

Let’s remember, though, the ultimate gift comes from the power of our Creator, and all of our atoms can vibrate with this gift. The more we pass it forward, the better it gets because everybody will receive a gift. Each person can, in turn, give their own contribution.

Drop me a line and let me know whether there’s a specific message you’d like to hear from me.

I confess I’m not the most aware online, but I strive to become better.

Have a great day,



Your Daily Encouragement


Your Daily Encouragement