Your Daily Encouragement 9/23/2021
What cognitive and neuro associations do you have with cultures different than yours?
Did you grow up in a multicultural family? Were you encouraged to try different foods, listen to different music, to speak other languages different from your own world?
If you never went to another country on a trip, how do you imagine different cultures are? Do you think you’d like 100% of a new culture? Do you like 100% of your own culture? What do you like and dislike?
A multicultural way of living is enriching, rewarding; it is like it has a powerful feeling.
Try new dishes, try new cultures, try new languages. It will make you see life in a different, more prosperous way.
Now with the advent of the internet, constructive multicultural talks that debunk stereotypes are happening. Take advantage of it to educate and build yourself, and build other people, appreciating different cultures.
Have a multicultural day,