Your Daily Encouragement 9/24/2021

Innergize Day is a day to focus on recharging your inner self. Inner Dimensions, LLC was the creator of Innergize Day, and they chose the very beginning of Autumn, "because we need to do what the Earth does: experience a time of hibernation to prepare for renewal." We have a lot to learn from Nature.

I figured I could talk about innergize day today since, on Friday, Saturday & Sunday, we tend to relax and recharge more.

Innergize using these suggestions:

  • Take some time to use essential oils in a diffuser or a bath.

  • Light up rosemary or bergamot incense, I just bought these, they smell amazing. Rosemary incense helps you get clarity of mind and focus. I take rosemary supplement daily to help increase mental focus, and I also use the fresh herb in foods.

  • Meditate. There's a ton of research showing that meditation changes your brain to be more focused and free from anxiety.

  • Get a massage with hot stones and essential oils.

  • Close your eyes and listen to relaxing music. It's classical music month!

  • Take a page in a notebook and write down your thoughts. It's interesting to monitor what you're thinking.

  • Watch a comedy. This will release the feel good hormones and help you relax.

Have an innergizing day,



Your Daily Encouragement 9/27/2021 - World Alzheimer’s Month


Your Daily Encouragement 9/23/2021